Friday, August 14

Master Bedroom & Office

This was taken right after the last coat of poly was put on
the new hardwood floors. These floors are in the office and
bedroom. They're really pretty and I'm very proud of them.
Color of walls in office

This gives you a fair idea of the office. I still have some
things I want to do in here but that'll have to wait.
Another cold weather project. :D

Color of master bedroom walls

This is the master bedroom coming in from the office.
Still have lots to buy in here too. Yet another
cold weather project. :D

This is the view coming from the master bedroom

This is my 17 foot long closets! When you open a closet
door...a light automatically comes on...and goes off when
you shut the door again. Ohhhhh do I have big plans for
these closets! hahaha! Love 'em! :D

Inside side view of closets


  1. Office: Nice! - a bit Executive, so that suits then! Lol.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
